Culloden House (1)
X:1 T:Culloden House [1] M:C L:1/16 C:John Anderson R:Strathspey B:William Morrison - Collection of Highland music, consisting of B:strathspeys, reels, marches, waltzes & slow airs (c. 1813, p. 2) Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:Cmin ED|C3c Tc2 {=Bc}G3cc3d|B3FG3B {E}D3B, .G.F.E.D|Cc Tc6 {Bc}G2cd e3c| B2F2 .G.F.E.D TC4 E3D|C2c2 Tc4 {=Bc}G3cc2d2|GB3FB3 {E}D2B,2 .G.F.E.D| C3DE3F TG3FG3c|{=A}B3F .G.F.E.D {=D}C4C2||=B2|{=B}Tc3de3f g3ce4g| F3Bd3f {[e=b]}b3f .e.d.c.=B|Tc3de3f g3ce3c|{=A}B3F .G.F.E.D {=C}C4 C2=B2| c3de3f g3ce3g|f3Bd3f .b=.a.g.f .e.d.c.B|{e}g3ef3d {c}e3c{=B}d3=B|{B}c3G {=A}B3D C4 C2||
X:1 % T:Culloden House [1] M:C L:1/16 R:Strathspey B:Stewart-Robertson - The Athole Collection (1884) Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:Cmin ED|C3c c4 G3cc3d|B3FG3B D3B, GFED|C3c c4 G2cd e3c| B>3F GFED C4 E3D|C2c2 c4 G3c~c/d/|GB3 FB3 D3B, GFED| C3DE3F G3FG3c|~B3F GFED C4C2||=B2|c3de3f g3ce3g| f3Bd3f b3f edc=B|c3de3f g3ce3c|B3F GFED C4 C2=B2| ~c3de3f g3ce3g|f3Bd3f b=agf edcB|g3ef3d e3cd3B|c3GB3D C4D2||