Black Eyed Susie (1)
Tune annotations
X:1 T:Black Eyed Susie [1] S:The Skillet Lickers (1928) M:C| L:1/8 R:Reel N:Drone strings throughout D:Document DOCD 8057, The Skillet Lickers vol. 2 F: Z:Transcribed by Andrew Kuntz K:G Bc|dBde dcAB|cdec cBAc|BABB AGFD|G,DG,D B,2 dBde dcAB|cBc^c dcAc|BABB AGFD|G,DG,D B,2|| [G,2D2]|+slide+[G3B3][GB] [G2B2][G_B]-[G=B]-|[GB]BAG E2FD|G[GB]G[GB] G[GB]G[GB]|EFED B,2D2|
X:1 T:Blackeyed Susie [1] S:Norman Edmonds (1889-1976, Hillsville, Virginia) M:C| L:1/8 R:Reel N:ADae tuning (fiddle). Drone liberally throughout. Q:"Quick" D:Field Recorders Collective FRC 301, "Norman Edmonds and the Old Timers vol. 1 (2004) F: Z:Transcribed by Andrew Kuntz K:D a3b a2ba|g3a g2aa|fe d2 [df]edd|B2AAF2A2:| |:d2d2 [df]dee|d2dd B2c2|d2d2 [df]ded|B2 AA F2A2:|
X:1 T:Blackeyed Susie [1] M:2/4 L:1/8 S:New Lost City Ramblers, who modeled their version on Norman Edmonds S:Kuntz - Ragged but Right K:D (a>b) a(e/f/)|(g>a) ga|fd/d/ [d/e/][d/e/]d|BA FA:| |:dd/d/ f/d/e/d/|dc/c/ Bc|dd/d/ f/d/e/d/ BAFA:||
X:1 T:Black-Eyed Susie S:Elmo Newcomer M:C| L:1/8 N:GDad tuning (fiddle) F: Z:Transcribed by Andrew Kuntz K:G G2G2 AABA|G2G2E2F2|G2G2 AABA|G2G2 B,2D2| G2G2 AABA|G2G2E2F2|G2G2 AABA|G2G2 B,2D2| G2[G2B2] ABAA|G2[G2B2] E2F2|G2[G2B2]ABAA |G2[G2B2] B,2D2 G2[G2B2] ABAA|G2[G2B2] E2F2|G2[G2B2]ABAA |G2[G2B2] B,2D2|| [DB]-[D2d]d d2{B}[ce]-|[ce]([Be][ce])[de] [ce][Be][A2e2]| [D2B2][D2B2] ABAF|[G,2G2][G,2G2][G,2E2][G,2F2]| [DB]-[D2d]d d2{B}[ce]-|[ce]([Be][ce])[de] [ce][Be][A2e2]| [D2B2][D2B2] ABAF|[G,2G2][G,2G2]B,2D2| [DB]-[D2d]d d2{B}[ce]-|[ce][Be][ce][de] e2d2|c2B2 ABAF|[G,2G2][G,2G2][G,2E2][G,2F2]| [DB]-[D2d]d d2{B}[ce]-|[ce][Be][ce][de] e2d2|c2B2 ABAF|[G,2G2][G,2G2]B,2D2||