Call Your Dogs and Let's go Hunting
X:1 T:Call Your Dogs and Let's go Hunting S:Lyman Enloe (1906-1998, Missouri/Oklahoma/So. Calif.) M:C| L:1/8 D:Grey Eagle Records 101, "Now that's a Good Tune" (1989) F: Z:Transcribed by Andrew Kuntz K:G ([GB]A)Bd BAG2|BcdB A G3|BABd BAG2|DEGB AG3| BABd BAGA|BcdB AG3|e2 dB A2G2|DEGB A G-[G2B2]:| |:e2 dB A2G2|BcdB AG-[G2B2]|e2 dB A2G2|DEGB A G-[G2B2]:| |:g3a b3a|gabg agef|g2ga b2ba|gedB AG3:|]