Annotation:Indian’s March
X:1 T:Indians March M:C L:1/8 Q:"Moderato” N:"Performed by Sigr. Spinacuta on the Rope." B:John Watlen - Celebrated Circus Tunes (1791, p. 14) Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:A E2|A2 A>A A>Bc>A|B2 E>F E>FG>A|B2 B>c B>cd>B|C2 A>A A2 c>d| e2 e>e f>ed>c|e2 e>e f>ed>c|f2e2d2c2|B2 B>B B2:| |:B2 B>B B>dc>e|d2c2B2 c<d|e2A2 f<ed<c|B>AG>F E2z2| A3 B/c/ d2d2|c3 d/e/ f2f2|e/a/g/a/ g/f/e/d/ c2 TB2|A2 A>A A2:|]
INDIAN'S MARCH. English, Scottish; March (whole time). A Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). AABBCC. Watlen notes: "Performed by Sigr. Spinacuta on the Rope." Antonio Spinacuta was the tightrope dancer for the Edinburgh circus during the 1791 season. Rope dancing was an acrobatic feat that was not unique to him, however.