Bride of the Wind
Tune annotations
X: 1 T: Bride of the Wind B:Robert P. Christeson, The Old-Time Fiddler's Repertory, No. 182 S: Uncle Bob Walters, Nebraska L: 1/8 M: 6/8 Z: ABC by Joel Shimberg from Christeson's notation. K: D %Transposed from C f/2g/2 | a^ga baf | dcB A2 d | cde B2 c | dcB A2 a| a^ga baf | dcB A2 d | cde B2 c | [d3F3][d2F] :| |:F/2G/2 |A^GA d2 c | BGB e2 d | caa a^ga | bag f2 A | A^GA d2 c | BGB e2 d | caa baf |[d3 f3][d2f2]:|