Lancers Quadrilles Fifth Figure (2)
Tune annotations
X: 1 T:Lancers Sett of Quadrils No.5. TLY.054 T:Lancers Quadrilles Fifth Figure [2] M:6/8 L:1/8 Q:3/8=110 S:Wm.Tildesley,Swinton,Lancs.1860s. R:.Quadrille O:England. A:Lancashire. N:Pause mark at end of A strain.The tune runs out at . The end of the N:page and the next page is missing from the photocopy. H:1860. Z:vmp.Taz Tarry. K:G d^cd| g2g BAB| d2 d gd^d| eAB cDA| G2F d^cd|! g2g BAB| d2d fd^d| ecA G2F| G3||! A2A | AGF ddd| d^cB g2g| gfe edc| ^cBA G2G|]