Miss Miller of Glenlee’s Strathspey
Tune annotations
X:1 % T:Miss Miller of Glenlee’s Strathspey M:C| L:1/8 R:Strathspey C:William Shepherd B:Shepherd -- A Collection of Strathspey Reels (1793, p. 8) K:Cmin G|E<CE<G Tc2 G<c|B<dG<B F<BF<B,|E<CE<G Tc2 G<c| B>F (G/F/).E/.D/ EC CG| E<CE<G Tc2 G<c|B<dG<B F<BF<B,| E>Gc>E F>Ac>A|G>c (e/d/).c/=B/ cC C||g|e>cg>c a>cg>c| dfbg fdBg|e>cg>c d>BG>E| D>B G/F/E/D/ ECCg| e>cg>c a>cg>c|dfbg fdBg|e<gd<f ceEc|BF (G/F/).E/.D/ EC C||