New Rigged Ship (1) (The)
Tune annotations
X:1 % T:New-Rigged Ship (jig) [1], The T:Miss Finlay's Delight R:Jig O:Shetland O:Scotland M:6/8 L:1/8 K:D A|\ d2d def|d2d def|ecA ABA|ecA ABc| d2d def|d2d def|ecA ABc|d3 d2:: f| a2f a2f|d2d dfa|b2g b2g|e2e efg| a2f a2f|d2d ecA|Bcd ecA|d3 d2:|
X:2 % T:New Rigged Ship [1] L:1/8 M:6/8 K:D ded d2f|ded d2f|ecA Acd|ecA ABc| ded d2f|ded d2f|ecA ABc|d3 d3:| |:a2f a2f|ded dga|b2g b2g|efe efg| a2f a2f|ded g3|ecA ABc|d3 d3:|]
X:1 % T:New Rigged Ship M:6/8 L:1/8 R:Jig B:Preston's 24 Country Dances for the Year 1804 (No. 580, p. 225) N: "With proper tunes and directions to each dance, as they are performed at N:Court, Bath and all Public Assemblies." Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:C G|c2c Tc2e|c2c c2e|dBG G2B|dBG GAB| c2c Tc2e|c2c dBG|A>Bc dBG|c3 c2:| (e/f/)|g2e g2e|Tc2ceg|a2f a2f|Td2d def| g2e g2e|Tc2c dBG|A>Bc dBG|c3 c2(e/f/)| gfe gfe|c>dc ceg|agf agf|Td>ed def| gfe gfe|cec dBG|ABc dBG|cGE C2:|]
X:3 % T:New Rigged Ship [1], The M:6/8 L:1/8 S:Button & Whitaker's Selection of Dances, Reels, Waltzes No. 1 (undated, early 19th S:century) Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:C G | c2c c2e | c2c c2e | dBG G2B | dBG GAB | c2c c2e | c2c dBG | ABc dBG | c3 c3 :| |: e/f/ | g2e g2e | c2c ceg | a2f a2f | d2d def | g2e g2e | c2c dBG | ABc dBG | c3 c2 e/f/ | gfe gfe | c>dc ceg | agf agf | d>ed def | gfe gfe | cec dBG | ABc dBG | cGE C2 ||
X:1 % T:New Rigged Ship [1], The M:2/4 L:1/8 R:Country Dance (?) N:The same tune usually set in 6/8 time S:James Goodman (1828─1896) music manuscript collection, S:vol. 3, p. 159. Mid-19th century, County Cork Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:D A|d2 df|d2 df|ecAc|ecAc|d2 df|d2 df|ecAc|d3:| |:f|afaf|d2 dg|bgbg|e2 ef|afaf|d2 df|ecAc|(d2d):|]