I Lo'e Nae a Laddie but Ane
X:1 T:I lo’e nae a laddie but ane M:6/8 L:1/8 R:Air Q:”Slow with Feeling.” C:By Dr. Forbes B:John McLachlan - Piper’s Assistant (1854, No. 94, p. 55) Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:Amix Tc/B/|A>BA Ace|Tf3 fga|e>cA ABc|B2B BcB| A>BA Ace|f3 fga|eac B>AB|A3 A2:| |:e|e>fg a>ga|f3 f>ga|ecA ABc|B3 (3BdTcB| A>BA Ace|f3 f>ga|e<ac TB>AB|A3 A2:|]
X:1 T:I Lo'e Nae a Laddie but Ane M:6/8 L:1/8 R:Jig B:Kerr - Merry Melodies, vol. 1 (c. 1875, No. 4, p. 31) Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:A cB|ABA Ace|f3-fga|ecA ABc|B3-BcB| ABA Ace|f3-fga|eac BAB|A3-A2:| |:e|efg aga|f3-f2ga|ecA ABc|B3-BcB| ABA Ace|f3-fga|eac BAB|A3-A:||
X:1 T:I Loe Na a Laddie but Ane M:6/8 L:1/8 S:Scots Musical Museum (Folklore Associates reprint), no. 267 K:D F3/4E/4|D3/2 E/ D D/ F3/2 A|(B3 B2) (c/d/)|A3/2 F/ D D3/2 E/ F| w:I_ loe nae a lad-die but ane_ He_ loes na a las-sie but ({F}E3 E2) (F3/4E/)|D3/2 E/ D D/ F3/2 A|(B3 B2) c/ d/|A3/2 d/ F E3/2 D/ E| w:me;_ He's_ will-in' to make me his ain,_ An' his ain I am will-in' to (D3 D2) || A| A3/2 B/ c d3/2 c/ d|({c}B3 B2) (c/d/)|(A3/2F/) D D3/2 E/ F| w:be._ He coft me a rok-ley o' blue,_ A_ pair_ o' mit-tens o' ({F}E3 E2) F3/4 E/4| D3/2 E/ D D F A|(B3 B2) c/ d/| w:green_ An' his price was a kiss o' my mou;_ An' I A/ d3/2 F E3/2D/ E|(D3 D2)|| w:paid him the debt_ yes-treen._ W:My mither's ay makin' a phrase, W:"That I'm lucky young to be wed;" W:But lang ere she countit my days, W:O' me she was brought to bed: W:Sae mither, just settle your tongue, W:An' dinna be flytin' sae bauld, W:For we can do the thing when we're young, W:That we canna do weel when we're auld.