Happy Jack (1)
X:1 T:Happy Jack N:From the playing of Pete McMahan (1918-2000, Columbia, Missouri) N:who had the tune from his mentor, a legendary local dance fiddler from N:around Bluffton, Montgomery County, Missouri, by the name of Clark Atterbury. M:C| L:1/8 R:Reel D:MSOTFA 001, Pete McMahan - Ozark Mountain Waltz D:https://www.slippery-hill.com/recording/happy-jack Z:Transcribed by Andrew Kuntz K:C ef|gagf g2bg|ageg- g2eg-|gage gabg|aged c2ef| gagf g2bg|ageg- g2ga|baba gabg|1aged c2:|2aged c4|| +slide+[e3e3][ee]- [e2e2][e2e2]-|[ee]dcA G2[G2c2]|[e3e3][ee]- [ee]dcA|GcAG c2c2| +slide+[e3e3][ee]- [e2e2][e2e2]-|[ee]dcA G2ef|gfga gfed|[c3e3][ce]- [c2e2]|| |:EF|GGcG [G2c2][G2c2]|[GA]-[Gc][Gc][Gc] [G2c2][GA]-[Gc]|[GB][GB][G2B2] [GA]-[GB][G2B2]|[GA]-[GB][GB][GB] A2GB| AG[G2c2][GA]-[Gc][G2c2]|[GA]-[Gc][Gc][Gc] ([Gc]B)([GA]B)|[GB][GA][G2B2][G2A2][G2B2]|[G3c3]c [G2c2]:|]