Mr. Douglas of Springwood Park
Mr. Douglas of Springwood Park: Annotations
X:1 % T:Mr. Douglas of Springwood Park M:C L:1/8 R:Strathspey B:Stewart-Robertson – The Athole Collection (1884) Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:G D|D<G G>E F>GA>F|G>Bd>B e3f|g<b e>g d<g B>g| E<AA>G F<D F>D|D<G G>E F>GA>F|G>Bd>B e3f| g>be>g d>gB>g|E<A F>D G2G||d|e<g g>e f<a d>f| e>fg>e d2 c>B|c>de>c B<d g>B|E<A A>G F>EF>D| D<G G>E F>GA>F|B<G d>B e3f|(3gbg (3ege d>gB>g|E<A F>D G2G||