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Annotation:King of Sweden's March (1) (The)

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X:1 T:King of Sweden’s March M:C L:1/8 R:March B: Robert Bremner – Collection of Airs and Marches for Two Violins or German Flutes (c. 1756-61; No. 72, pp. 94-95) F: https://digital.nls.uk/special-collections-of-printed-music/archive/104413305 Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:A V:1 c3B ABcA|d2d2d2e2|Tc3B ABcA|TB4E4|Tc3B ABcA|d2 ed c2 dc|B2A2 BdcB|A2A2A4:| |:ABcd e2 fe|d2d2d2 ed|c2c2c2 BA|B4E4|ABcd e2 fe|d2ed c2 dc|B2 A2 BdcB|A2A2A4:| |:AB c2 Bcd2|AB c2 Bcd2|ABcA Bcdc|TB4E4|ABcA BcdB|ABcA Bcde|dcBA BdcB|A2A2A4:| |:ABcd e2 fe|d2d2d2 ed|c2c2 dcBA|B4E4|ABcd e2 fe|dfed cedc|B2A2 BdcB| A2A2A4:| |:ceAe ceAe|dfBf dfBf|ceAe ceAe|GBEB GBEB| ceAe ceAe|dfdf cece|dcBA BdcB|A2A2A4:| |:ecAc ecAc|fdBd fdBd|ecAc ecAc|BGEG BGEG| ecAc ecAc|dfdf cece|dcBA BdcB|A2A2A4:| |:ABcd ecBA|Bcde fdcB|ABcd ecBA|EFGA BGFE| ABcd ecBA|dfed ceac|dcBA BdcB|A2A2A4:| V:2 clef = bass A,,4A,4|B,2 A,2G,2E,2|A,4A,,4|E,2F,2G,2E,2|A,,4A,4|B,2G,2A,2D,2|E,2C,2D,2E,2|A,,8:| |:A,,4A,4|B,2A,2G,2E,2|A,4A,,4|E,2F,2G,2E,2|A,,4A,4|B,2G,2A,2D,2|E,2C,2D,2E,2|A,,8:| |:A,4G,4|A,4G,4|A,4D,4|E,2F,2G,2E,2|A,4G,4|A,4D,4|E,2C,2D,2E,2|A,,8:| |:A,,4A,4|B,2A,2G,2E,2|A,4A,,4|E,2F,2G,2E,2|A,,4A,4|B,2G,2A,2D,2|E,2C,2D,2E,2|A,,8:| |:A,4A,,4|B,4B,,4|A,,4A,,4|E,4E,,4| A,4A,,4|D,4A,4|E,2C,2D,2E,2|A,,8:| |:A,4A,,4|B,4B,,4|A,,4A,,4|E,4E,,4| A,4A,,4|B,4A,4|D,4E,4|A,,8:| |:A,4C4|B,4D4|C4A,4|G,4E,4| C,4A,4|B,4A,4|D,4E,4|A,8:|

KING OF SWEDEN'S MARCH [1], THE. AKA - "Sweden's March." Scottish, English; March (cut or 4/4 time). D Major: A Major (Johnson). Standard tuning (fiddle). AABBCCDDEEFFGGHH (Johnson): AABBCCDDEEFFGGHHIIJJ (Aird). See also note for "Charles of Sweden." The melody appears in several publications and musicians' manuscripts of the latter 18th and early 19th century, including the collections of Bremner (Airs and Marches, c. 1756-61, p. 94), Aird (1788), Longman & Broderip (Entire New and Compleat Instructions for the Fife, London, 1780), and Thomas Skillern (Compleat Instructions for the Fife, London, 1780). The tune also appears in the Shiels MS (1820-21) with variations that are derived from Bremner's version, states Johnson (1984), who also says the Bremner text shows the tune was originally in Baroque trumpet style. "The King of Sweden's March" is based on a passamezzo moderno chord sequence (through strain 3, at which time it changes to double tonic style), which was a 16th century Italian import to the British Isles, although the variations were in the latest 18th century style.

Sweden March was also the name of a Scottish dance similar to a hornpipe, and is mentioned in an account as being taught at a country dancing master's school (probably in Kirkcudbright) in MacTaggart's Scottish Gallovidian Encyclopedia (1824).

Additional notes
Source for notated version : - The Shiels Manuscript, Crieff, 1820-21 [Johnson].

Printed sources : - Aird (Selection of Scotch, English, Irish and Foreign Airs, vol. 3), 1788; No. 434, p. 168. Bremner (A Collection of Airs and Marches), 1761; no. 72, pp. 94–96. Johnson (Scottish Fiddle Music in the 18th Century), 1984; No. 40, pp. 98-99.

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