Perthshire Volunteers
X:2 T:Perth-Shire Volunteer's Strathspey S:Petrie's Second Collection of Strathspey Reels and Country Dances &c. Z:Steve Wyrick <sjwyrick'at'astound'dot'net>, 6/5/04 N:Petrie's Second Collection, page 8 L:1/8 M:C R:Strathspey K:A A|EA c/d/e c2 Ac|d>B d/c/B/A/ G(BBc)|EA c/d/e c2 Ac|d<Be>d cAA :| g|a>e a/g/f/e/ a2 ec|dB d/c/B/A/ G(BBg)|ae a/g/f/e/ a2 ec|dB d/c/B/A/ E(AAd)| ceGe FdEc |dB d/c/B/A/ G(BBd)|cedf eagb |a/g/f/e/ ae cAA |]
X:1 T:Perthshire Volunteers M:C L:1/8 R:Strathspey B:Milne – Middleton’s Selection of Strathspeys, Reels &c. for the Violin (1870, p. 27) Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:A A|E>A c/d/e c2 A>c|d>B d/c/B/A/ G<BB>d|c>A c/d/e c2 A>c|d<Be>d c<AA:| g|a>e a/g/f/e/ a2 (e>c)|d>B d/c/B/A/ G<BB>g|a>e a/g/f/e/ a2 (e>c)|d>B d/c/B/A/ E<AA>d| (c>e)(G>e) (F>d)(E>c)|d>B d/c/B/A/ G<BB>d|c<ed<f e<ag>b|a/g/f/e/ a>e c<AA||
T:Perthshire Volunteers
B:Stewart-Robertson – The Athole Collection (1884)
Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion
A|E>A c/d/e c2 A>c|d>B dcBA G<BB>d|c>A c/d/e c2 A<c|d>fe>d c<AA:||
g|a>e a/g/f/e/ a2 e<c|d>B d/c/B/A/ G<BB>g|a>e a/g/f/e/ a2 e<c|d>B d/c/B/A/ E<AA>d|
c>eG>e F>dE>c|d>B d/c/B/A/ G<BB>d|c>ed>f e<ag<b|a/g/f/e/ a>e c<AA|]