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Annotation:Arniston Castle

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X:1 T:Arniston Castle M:C L:1/16 R:Strathspey B:Alexander Glen - The Caledonian Repository of Music, Book 2 (1860, No. 25, p. 20) Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:Amix a2|e3Ae3c A3ce3c|e3Ae2c2 e3B B2cd|1e3A3e3c A3ce3c|d3fe3d c3AA3a:| |2 e3Ae3c e3Ae3c|d3fe3d c3A A2||:f2|e3ac3a e3gf3d|f2ga c3e f3BB3f| |1 e3ac3a d3gf3e|f2ga e3d c2A A2:|2 a3ef3d c2de a3e|f2d2 B2cd c2A2 A2||

ARNISTON CASTLE. Scottish, Pipe Strathspey (whole time). A Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). AA'BB' (Glen): AABCCD (Cranford, Logan). "Arniston Castle" was first published in Alexander Glen's Caledonian Repository, Book 2 (1860) as a two-part tune. It was later published by Logan & Co. in a four-part setting, which Paul Stewart Cranford (2015) concludes is a synthesis of three earlier two-part tunes from the collection of William Ross, 'The Queen's Piper': "Arniston Castle," "J.D.K. MacCallum" and "Glenspean Lodge."

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Printed sources : - Cranford (The Cape Breton Highland Collection), 2015; No. 15, p. 7. Alexander Glen (The Caledonian Repository of Music, Book 2), 1860; No. 25, p. 20. Logan's Collection of Highland Bagpipe Music, vol. 1), c. 1899; No. 32, p. 21.

Recorded sources : - Dave MacIsaac - "From The Archives" (1999).

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