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Dorset (1) (La)

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Dorset (1) (La)  Click on the tune title to see or modify Dorset (1) (La)'s annotations. If the link is red you can create them using the form provided.Browse Properties <br/>Special:Browse/:Dorset (1) (La)
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 Theme code Index    3H2H1H5 4H3H2H5
 Also known as    Lancers Quadrilles First Figure (The), London Lanciers Figure 1
 Composer/Core Source    
 Region    England
 Genre/Style    English
 Meter/Rhythm    Jig/Quadrille
 Key/Tonic of    F
 Accidental    1 flat
 Mode    Ionian (Major)
 Time signature    6/8
 Structure    ABCD
 Editor/Compiler    Biography:Roger Trim et al
 Book/Manuscript title    Book:Musical Heritage of Thomas Hardy vol. 1
 Tune and/or Page number    No. 84
 Year of publication/Date of MS    1990
 Title of recording    
 Record label/Catalogue nr.    
 Year recorded    
 Score   (1)   

X:1 T:Dorset, La M:6/8 L:1/8 N:1st part of Lancers Quadrilles N:ABCDA form S:(Thomas) Hardy family manuscripts K:F cdc|.a2.a .g2.g|.f2.c cdc|.b2.b .a2.a|.g2z cdc| .a2.a .g2.g|.f2.c cdc|d2g cde|f2z|| CDC|E2E F2F|^F2G CDC|B,CB, CB,C|G,2z cdc| a2a g2g|f2f fed|c2A cBG|F2 z|| ABA|d2d f2f|e2A ABA|d2d f2f|e3 ABA| f2f e2e|d2d _e2e|d2d ^c2c|d2z|| ABA|^c2c d2d|^d2e ABA|GAG FGF|E2z ABA| .f2.f .e2.e|d2d _e2e|d2d ^c2c|d2z||

X: 1 T:Lancers Quadrilles - La Dorset.2voices. RHu.099 T:La Dorset.2voices. RHu.099 S:R.Hughes MS,1823,Whitchurch,Shrops. N:Written across the double page. A:Whitchurch, Shropshire Z:Neil Brookes 2006 M:6/8 L:1/8 Q:3/8=120 K:F [V:1]cdc|[a2c2][ac][g2c2][gc]|f2c cdc|b2ba2a|g2z cdc|\ a2a g2g|f2c cdc|dgB cde|f2z||! [V:2]z2z|F,2F,F,2F,|F,2zz2z|E,2E,F,2F,|C,2zz2z|\ F,2F,F,2F,|F,2zz2z|B,3C3|C2z||! % [V:1][cC][dD][cC]|[e2E2][eE][f2F2][fF]|[^f2^F2][gG] [cC][dD][cC]|\ [BB,][cC][BB,] [AA,][BB,][AA,]|[G2G,2]z cdc|\ a2ag2g|f2f fed|c2AB2E|F2z||! [V:2]z2z|B,2B,A,2A,|G,3"segno above dcr" C,D,C,|B,,C,B,, A,,B,,A,,|\ G,,2C,z2z|z6|z3B,3"segno"|C2zC,2z|F,2z||! % [V:1]ABA|d2df2f|e2A ABA|d2df2f|e3ABA|\ f2f e2e|d2d_e2e|d2d^c2c|d2z||! [V:2]z2z|A,2A,A,2A,|A,3z2z|A,2A,A,2A,|A,3z2z|\ z3A,2A,|B,2B,G,2G,|A,2A,A,,2A,,|D,2z||! % [V:1]ABA|^c2c d2d|^d2e aba|gag fgf|e2z ABA|\ f2f e2e|d2d_e2e|d2d^c2c|"D.C. al fine"d2z|] [V:2]z2z|A,2A,A,2A,|A,3[A,A,,][B,B,,][A,A,,]|\ [G,G,,][A,A,,][G,G,,] [F,F,,][G,G,,][F,F,,]|\ [E,2E,,2]zzzz|D2DA,2A,|B,2B, G,2G,|A,2A, A,,2A,,|D,2z|]

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