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Annotation:Pinch of Snuff (2) (The)

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Revision as of 20:49, 1 December 2022 by Andrew (talk | contribs)

X:1 T:Pinch of Snuff [2], The R:reel D:Sean Keane, Liam O'Flynn, Matt Molloy: The Fire Aflame D:Tommy Keane: The Piper's Apron Z:id:hn-reel-441 M:C| K:D afge d2dB|ADFD EFGB|AGAB =cBcd|eA (3B^cd efge:| |:f2df afdf|~f2df efge|1 f2df afdf|eA (3B^cd efge:|2 ~f3a afdf|eA (3B^cd efge|| P:Variations |:a2ge fd (3Bcd|ADFD EF~G2|~A3B =c3d|1 ed (3B^cd ef~g2:|2 ed (3B^cd efge|| |:f2~f2 afdf|~f2df efge|f2df afdf|1 ed (3B^cd efge:|2 ed (3B^cd ef~g2||

PINCH OF SNUFF [2], THE. AKA and see "Aggie Whyte's Reel (3)," "Like a Pinch." Irish, Reel. D Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). AB.

Additional notes
Source for notated version : - transcribed from a 1981 recording by fiddler Kathleen Smyth, flute player Peg McGrath and pianist Mary Mulholland [Treoir].

Printed sources : - McGuire & Keegan (Irish Tunes by the 100), 1975. Treoir, vol. 45, No. 1, 2014; p. 31.

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