Boat is on the Shore (The)
Boat is on the Shore (The): Annotations
X:1 T:Boat is on the Shore, The S:Leonard-Kernan MS (c.1844-1850) of Abbeyshrule, Co. Longford M:2/4 L:1/8 R:March Z:Transcribed by Conor Ward K:C d>d|cG EG|c3 B/c/|dd/d/ dd|d>e dc/d/|ee/e/ ee| ef e/d/e/d/|cc B/c/d/B/|c3||c/B/|AA Bc|d>c Bc/B/| AA Bc|d3 c/B/|AA Bc|dd/d/ cc/c/|BB/B/ AA/A/| GG z||G|cc/c/ cc|c3G|cG EC|GG zG| cc/c/ cc|c3 e|d/e/d/c/ B/c/B/A/|G/A/B/c/ d/e/f/d/||
Boat is on the Shore (The): Annotations