Marilyn's Music
X: 2 T:Marilyn's Music C:trad; likely from mid-late 1800's; arr PLK S:fr. Haynes mss, found at "Marilyn's Music Plus", Baker City OR. R:hornpipe N:Phil Katz has added the title; in the mss it was the 2nd half of the N:5th figure of the French Lancers. He has also filled in some "holes", N:in the belief that the original "stopped too much" for modern N:contradance usage. A few "box licks" and mods to make it N:easier on box have been made, this version. He has a paper copy of the N:exact original, as set in type by Vivian Williams; Her digital N:copy of the original was in the Score music program. D:None; just brought to light in 2008 H:From mss (likely dating to 1870's) of Thomas Martin Haynes, H:Discovered by Vivian & Phil Williams in the store window of H:Marilyn's Music Plus in Baker City OR, sometime in 2008. H:Premiered at Small Pleasures 5th Saturday Tacoma dance, 1/31/2009. Z:Transcribed from mss by Vivian Williams; abc's, this arr, PLK 2009 M:C| L:1/8 C:trad; likely from mid-late 1800's; arr PLK S:fr. Haynes mss, found by Vivian Williams at "Marilyn's Music Plus", Baker City OR. R:hornpipe N:Title from Phil Katz; was 2nd half of the 5th figure of the French Lancers, in mss. Z:Mss set in "Score" by Vivian Williams; abc's this arr, 4/2/2009 PLK. K:G DG|"G"B2 DG B2 DG|B2 d2 d2 ed|"D" cB A2 A2 dc|"G"BAGF G2 DG |! "G"B2 DG B2 DG|"G"Bcde "Bm?"d2 ed|"C"cBAG "D"A2 dc|/ "G"B2 G2 G2 :|]!/ K:D [|:ed |"A" c2 AB Ac e2 |"D"d2 AB Ad f2|"A"e2 A[Be] Ae g2|/ "Bm"([fa]a)dc d2 ed |! "A" c2 AB Ac e2 |"D"d2 AB Adf2 |"A"e2 ge cAGE | "D"D2 F2 D2 :|]