Braes of Yarrow (1) (The)
X:1 T:Braes of Yarrow, The M:C L:1/8 N:”For the German Flute” B:Thomson - Orpheus Caledonius, vol. 2 (1733, p. 2, No. 16) Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:D A2 Bd A2 d/e/f|gfed B2 z2|A A/B/d A2 d/e/f|gfed d>e f2| A2 Be A2 d/e/f|gfed B3c|dcBA gfed|TB3A Bc d2|| fefg a2 gf|gfed B2 z2|fefg a2 gf|gfed f>gag| fefg {fg}a2 gf|gfed B2z2|dcBA gfed|TB3A Bc d2||