Lass on the Strand (1) (The)
Lass on the Strand (1) (The): Annotations
X:1 T:Lass on the Strand [1] (The) M:C L:1/8 K:G g>a|b>gd>B G>Bd>g|f>e c>A E2e2|d>c A>F D>c B>A|G>A B>c d2 g>a| b>gd>B G>B d>g|f>e c>A E2e2|d>c A>F D>c B>A|G2B2G2:| K:D |:a2|g>e c>A ^G>A B>c|d>e f>^g a2b2|a>=ge>c A>gf>e|f>d A>F D2a2| g>e c>A ^G>A B>c|d>ef>^g a2b2|a>ge>c A>gf>e|d2f2d2:||
Lass on the Strand (1) (The): Annotations