March (54)
X:2 T:Untitled T:March [54] N:"D March #9" at the Grandy Project site. S:Grandy Fagnan (c.1902-1986, Camperville, Manitoba) N:Anne Lederman suggests this could be a Ukrainian polka and says that N:Fagnan played the tune in G and C also. M:C| L:1/8 R:March or Reel N:ADae or standard tuning (fiddle) D: D:Falcon Productions FP 515, Anne Lederman & Ian Bell - "Old Man's D:Table" (2015, 2nd tune in "D March Set") D: Z:Transcribed by Andrew Kuntz K:D (fg|:Sa3)g a2b2|g3f (g^ga2)|f2d2 (fga2) |e2d2e2f2|[A3A3]B [A2A2][F2A2]|([E/A/][F/A/][EA])[D2A2] [D2d2](fg| a3)g a2b2|g3f (g^ga2)|f2d2 (fga2) |e2ce (f/g/f e)c|1[M:6/4]d4 [F2A2]-[D2A2] [D2d2]fg:|2[M:C|]d4 [FA]-[DA] Bc|| d2 (f/g/f) e2 d2|c2 (B/c/B) J[A3A3]c|B2A2 [G4A4]|A>B-A2[F4A4]|[M:6/4]A2 AF A2f2e2d2| [M:C|]c2 (B/c/B) J[A3A3]c| B2c2 d3c d2e2|d4 [F2A2]-[D2A2] |[D2d2] (ef) e2d2| c2 (B/c/B) J[A3A3]c|[M:6/4]B2A2 [G4A4]|[M:C|][A4A4][F4A4]|[M:2/4](B/c/B) AF |[M:C|]D2Jf2 e2d2| c2{Bc}B2 A4|([D2B2]c2)d3c |d2e2 [D4d4]|[F2A2]-[D2A2] [D2d2]fgS||