Thrush in the Straw (2) (The)
X: 1 T:Thrush in the Straw, The R:jig Z:id:hn-jig-167 M:6/8 K:G efg edB|cBA BGE|~G3 BdB|BAG ABd| efg edB|cBA BGE|~G3 BdB|1 AGF GBd:|2 AGF G2D|| GBd ~g3|agf g2e|fed edB|AGA BGE| GBd ~g3|agf g2e|fed edB|1 AGF G2D:|2 AGF GBd||
X:233 T:Thrush In the Straw B:Music From Ireland (Bulmer & Sharpley) Z:Nigel Gatherer M:6/8 R:Jig L:1/8 K:G d|efg edB|c2 A AGE|DEG BdB|ABA ABd| efg edB|c2 A AGE|DEG AGA|BGF G2:| |:D|GBd gfg|age edB|ged e/f/ge|dBA ABd| efg edB|c2 A AGE|DEG AGA|BGF G2:|]