Mrs. Hamilton of Wishaw’s Strathspey
X:1 T:Mrs. Hamilton of Wishaw’s Strathspey M:C L:1/8 R:Strathspey Q:"Very Slow" B:Gow – 3rd Collection of Niel Gow’s Reels, 3rd ed., p. 20 (orig. 1792) Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:A E|AAAA B>GEG|AAcA B3c|AAAF G>ABc|F>B (A/G/)F/E/ A2 A:|| f/g/|{g}a>e (a/g/)f/b/ {g}a>fec|.A.A ce fB Bf/g/|{g}a>e a/g/f/b/ {g}a>f ec|EE EF/G/ {G}A2 Af/g/| a>e (a/g/)f/b/ {g}a>fec|AAce fB Bc/d/|ceea dffb|EE EF/G/ {G}A2 A||
X:2 T:Mrs. Hamilton of Wishaw’s Strathspey M:C L:1/8 R:Strathspey B:Aird – Selection of Scotch, English, Irish and Foreign Airs, vol. 4 (1796, No. 193, p. 72) Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:G D|GGGG A>FDF|GGBG A3B|GGGE FGAB|E>A G/F/E/D/ G2G:|| e/f/|g>d g/f/e/a/ (ge)dB|.G-.G BdeA Ae/f/|g>d g/f/e/a/ g>edB|DDDE/F/ G2 Ge/f/| g>d (g/f/)e/a/ g>edB|GGBd eA AB/c/|Bddg ceea|DD DE/F/ G2G||
X:1 T:Mrs. Hamilton of Wishaw’s Strathspey M:C L:1/16 R:Strathspey Q:"Slow" B:John Gow – A Favorite Collection of Slow Airs, B:Strathspeys and Reels (London, c. 1804, p. 21) Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:A c2|AA3AA3 B3GE3G|AA3[A3c3]A [G4B4]c2|[A2A2][A4A4][A2A2] G3AB2c2|F2(B2 AGFE {G}A4 A2:| fg|a3e (agf)b a3fe2d2|AA3 c3e f2B2 B2fg|a3e agfb a3fe2c2|EE3 E2FG {G}A4 A2fg| a3e agfb a3fe2d2|A3Ac3e f2B2 B2cd|ce3e3a df3f3b|EE3 E2FG {G}A4 A2||
X:3 T:Mrs. Hamilton of Wishaw’s Strathspey L:1/8 M:C S:Marshall – 1822 Collection Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:A E|A<AA<A B>G E<G|A<A c>A B2 Bc|AAAF G/A/B/c/ Bc|~F>B A/G/F/E/ A2 A:|| e/f/g/|a>e a/g/f/b/ a>fe>c|A<A c>e fBBf/g/|a>e a/g/f/b/ a>f e<c|E<E EF/G/ A2 Ag| a>e a/g/f/b/ a>f e<c|A<A c>e fBBd|ceea dffb|E<E ~EF/G/ A2 A2||