Annotation:Dandy Jim (2)

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X:1 T:Dandy Jim [2] M:C| L:1/8 S:Clyde Davenport Z: K:G DE-|EDEG e2d2|BABd edBA|EDEG e2d2|BABd edBA| A[G2B2][GA][G2B2] [GA][GB]-|[GB]DEG e2d2|BABd edBA|EDEG e2d2| BABd edBA|A[G2B2][GA][G2B2] [GA][GB]-|[GB]DEG e2d2| BABd edBA|EDEG e2d2|BABd edBA|A[G2B2][GA][G2B2] [Ae][Bg]-|| [Bg][Ae][Bg]a gede|gage d2 [Ae][Bg]-|[Bg][Ae][Bg]a gedA-|BdBA G2 [Ae][Bg]-| [Bg][Ae][Bg]a gede|gage d2 [Ae][Bg]-|[Bg]a_ba gedA-A|BdBA G4||

DANDY JIM [2]. American, Reel. USA, Kentucky. G Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). AB. Not the minstrel tune "Dandy Jim from Caroline," says Jeff Titon (2001), but that it "bears the marks" of African-American origin. It is a tune found only in the Cumberland Plateau region of the mid-Kentucky/Tennessee border area.

Additional notes

Source for notated version: - Clyde Davenport (Monticello, Wayne County, Kentucky, 1990) [Titon].

Printed sources : - Titon (Old-Time Kentucky Fiddle Tunes), 2001; No. 31, p. 65.

Recorded sources: -Field Recorders Collective FRC104 - "Clyde Davenport vol. 2." Marimac 9025, Troxell Brothers - "Troxsong " (1990).

See also listing at:
Hear Clyde Davenport playing "Dandy Jim" (1990) at Berea Sound Archives [1] and at the Digital Library of Appalachia [2] [3]

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