Revision as of 03:45, 25 August 2012 by Andrew(talk | contribs)(Created page with "{{Abctune |f_tune_title=Lark on the Strand (2) |f_country=Ireland |f_genre=Irish |f_rhythm=Jig/Quadrille |f_time_signature=6/8 |f_key=G |f_accidental=1 sharp |f_mode=Ionian (M...")
T:Lark on the Strand [2]
R:double jig
S:From the only known extant recordings of Frank Cassidy playing by himself.
A:Teelin, Co. Donegal
Z:Larry Sanger. Transcription of first time through tune.
Z:The d# notes in the A part of the tune are played in between d# and e.
DE/F/||GEF (3GFG A|{Bc}BAG ABd|{ef}ede gdg|{ef}edB dBA|
JGEF (3[G,G]FG A|{c}BAG ABd|e^de gdB|AGF GBA|
G/G/EF (3GFG A|B/B/AG ABd|ede gdg|{ef}edB dBA|
GEF (3GFG A|B/B/AG ABd|{f}e^de gdB|{B}AGF Gef||
{a}gfg ef^g|afd {f}edB|Add {f}e^d=d|{f}ed^c def|
{a}gfg {b}a^ga|bag f/g/a f|edc B/c/d A|BGF [G,G]ef|
{a}gfg e/e/f^g|afd {f}edB|Add {f}e^d=d|{f}ed^c def|
{a}gfg {b}a^ga|bag f/g/a f|edc B/c/d A|BGF GEF||