John Roy Stewart (1)
Tune annotations
X:1 T:John Roy Stewart M:C| L:1/8 R:Country Dance B:James Aird – Selection of Scotch, English, Irish and Foreign Airs, vol. 3 (Glasgow, 1788, No. 453, p. 176) N:”Humbly dedicated to the Volunteers and Defensive Bands of Great Britain and Ireland” Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:G G|d>cB>A G>AB>c|d>GB>G d>GB>g|d>cB>A G>AB>G|E<ee>d e2 e:| |:g|d>eg>a (g/4/a/4b)g ab|gd e/d/c/B/ gd-de|d>eg>a bgab|e<ba>g e2 eg| d>eg>a (g/4/a/4b)g ab|gd e/d/c/B/ gd dg/a/|a>Ga>b G>ABG|E<ee>d e2 e:|]
X:2 T:John Roy Stewart S:Petrie's Second Collection of Strathspey Reels and Country Dances &c. Z:Steve Wyrick <sjwyrick'at'astound'dot'net>, 6/11/04 N:Petrie's Second Collection, page 19 % Gore's Index is unclear on this tune, but it appears % in several sources published around this time L:1/8 M:C R:Strathspey K:F f|c>BA>G F>G A2|c<FA<F c<FA<f|c>BA>G F>GA<F| D<dd>c d3 :|f| c>df>g a>fg<a|f<cc>A f<cc>f|c>df>g a<fg>a| d<gTg>f d2 d>f| c>df>g a<fg>a|f<cc>A f<cf<g|a<fg<a F>GA<F|.D<dTd>c d3 |]
X:3 T:John Roy Stewart M:C L:1/8 R:Strathspey S:John Rook ms., 1840 (Waverly, Cumbria) Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:G g|d>cBA GAB2|d>GB>G d>GB>g|d>cB>A G>ABG|Feed e2e:| |:g|d>eg>a bgab|(g>d) (e/d/c/)B/ gddg|d>ega bgab|d<ba>g e3g| d>eg>a bgab|(g>d) (e/d/c/)B/ gddg/a/|b>ga>e gdeg|Bee>d e2-e:|]
X:4 T:John Roy Stewart M:C L:1/8 R:Strathspey B:Stewart-Robertson - The Athole Collection (1884) Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:F f|c<A A>G F>GA>d|c<F A>F c<F A>f|c>BA>G F>GA>F|D<d d>^c d2d:| f|c>df>g a>fg>a|~f>c d/c/B/A/ ~f<c c>f|~c>df>g a>fg>a|c<a g>f d2 d>f| ~c>df>g a>fg>a|~f>c d/c/B/A/ f>c cf/g/|a>fg>e f>de>c|A<d d<^c d2d||