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Annotation:Murillo's Lesson

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MURILLO'S LESSON. AKA - "Marilla's Lesson," "Morella's Lesson," "Morelli's Lesson." Old-Time, Hymn Tune and Air. USA, Alabama. C Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). AABB. The melody can be found in early 19th century instrument tutors, derived from a Sacred Harp (shape-note) hymnal. It was a favorite tune of Uncle William Johnson of Alabama's Johnson Family Band. It was also mentioned in newspaper articles about Tom Freeman of Cullman County, Alabama, and in his autobiography. See also note for "Once Upon My Cheek."

The song called "Murillo's Lesson" can be found in the 1844 Sacred Harp and the 1848 Sacred Melodeon, 'fa-so-la' hymnals. Lyrics were derived in part from a poem entitled "Columbia" by Timothy Dwight (1752-1817), printed in 1794. The words to "Murillo's Lesson" go:

As down a lone valley with cedars o'erspread,
From war's dread confusion I pensively strayed,
The gloom from the face of fair heaven retired,
The winds hushed their murmurs, the thunders expired.
Perfumes as of Eden flowed sweetly along,
A voice as of angels enchantingly sung,
Columbia, Columbia to glory arise,
The queen of the world and the child of the skies.

Fair science her gate to thy sons shall unbar,
And the east see thy morn hide the beams of her star.
New bards and new sages unrivalled shall soar
To fame unextinguished when time is no more.
To Thee the last refuge of virtue designed,
Shall fly from all nations the best of mankind;
There grateful to heaven with transport shall bring

The first strain is shared with "Harlequin Hornpipe (4)" and "Harlequin Gambols."

Source for notated version:

Printed sources: Howe (Complete Preceptor for the Accordeon), 1843; p. 12.

Recorded sources:

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