Jesse the Flower of Dunblane
X:1 T:Jessie the Flower of Dumblane M:6/8 L:1/8 B:Davidson's Gems of Scottish Melody (n.d., p. 29) Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion R:Air N:"Moderato" K:C c/d/|e>fe d<ge|c>Bc d<B c/A/|G>AF EGc|c>de ed c/d/| e>fe d<gf|c>Bc d<B c/A/|G>AF EGc|dAB c2|| e|ecd e<ag|ec>d ecd|dBc dge|d<B A/>G/ G2G| ced e<cd|ege f<de|f>ga g<ec|dAB c2||
X:1 T:Jesse the Flower of Dunblane M:6/8 L:1/8 S:Wood's Songs of Scotland, Edinburgh, 1848 Z:Paul Kinder R:Air K:G "Andante con moto"G/2A/2|B>cB A>dB|G>FG A<F G/2E/2|D>EC B,<DG|| GAB A2 G/2A/2|B>cB A<dB|GFG A<F G/2E/2|D>EC B,<DG|AE>F G2|| B|B>GA B<ed|BGA B<GB|A<FG A<dB|AF>E D2 D| G>BA BG>A|BdB cA>B|c>de dB>G|A>EF G2 G/2E/2| D>EC B,<D G/2A/2|BdB c<AB|c>de d<BG|AE>F G2||