Nine Miles Out of Louisville
Tune annotations
X: 1 T:Nine Miles Out of Louisville M:C| L:1/8 R:reel F: K:G "G" g2 ef g2 ef| gedc BG G2| "D" a2 fg a2 fg| abaf ed d2| "G" g4 g2 ef| gedc BGBd|"D" cBAG FGAc| "G" BGAF G2 [B2G2]:| |:"G" G,B,DG "C" EFGA| "G" Bd-d2 d4| "D" cBAG FGAF| "G" GFGA BGDB,| "G" G,B,DG "C" EFGA| "G" Bd-d2 d2 g2| "D"(3bge dB cBAF| "G" G2 [B2G2][B4G4]:|