Kick the World Before You (1)
X:1 T:Kick the World Before Us M:6/8 L:1/8 R:Air S:Thomas Nixon music manuscript collection, c. 1778 N:Nixon (1762-1842) was a fifer in the American War of Independence, N:from the age of 13. He lived in Framingham, Connecticut. Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:G A|Bcd cBA|FGA Bcd|cBc c2A|Bcd cBA| FGA B2G|cAF G3::A|B2G A2F|FED B2G| cAF G2A|B2G A2F|FGA Bcd|cAF G2:|] M:9/8 L:1/8 "rebarred"A|Bcd cBA FGA|Bcd cBc c2A| Bcd cBA FGA| B2G cAF G2:| |:A|B2G A2F FED|B2G cAF G2A| B2G A2F FGA| Bcd cAF G2:|]