Old Apples in Winter
Tune annotations
X:1 T:Old Apples in Winter M:6/8 L:1/8 R:Jig S:Flaherty - Trip to Sligo (1990) K:Emin B,|EDE GFE|BEE GFE|DED FED|...
X: 1 T:Goat on the Green aka The Old Apples in Winter M:6/8 L:1/8 R:Jig Z:Julie Ross K:Em D|:~E3 GFE|BEE GFE|~D3 FED|FAd FED| ~E3 GFE|BEE GFE|BdB AGF|[1GED E2B, :|[2 GED E3 | |:efe ~B3|def g2e|fdd Add|fag fed| e/f/ge ~B3|def gfe|fdB AGF|1 GED E2B:|2 GED E3 ||