Merry Conclusion (The)
Tune annotations
X:1 T:Merry Conclusion, The M:3/2 L:1/8 R:Triple Hornpipe Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion B:Young - Second Volume of the Dancing Master (1718) K:Amin A2e4A2 ecBA|GA Bc d2G2B2 AG|A2e4A2 edBA| E2A4 c2B2A2|edcB ABcd ecBA|GABc dcBA BcdB| A2e2 cA ceac BA^GF|E2A4c2B2A2:||:e2a2d2g2c2f2| BcdB GABG BcdB|ea^gb edcB ABcA|E2A4c2B2A2:| |:e2e2e2 e4|dcBA G2d2 BcdB|eaec AcBA ^GABG|E2A4c2B2A2:||
X: 29 T: the Merry Conclusion T: or Mr. Kynaston's Famous Dance M: 3/2 L: 1/8 Z: 2011 John Chambers <> B: Andrew Shaw "Mr Kynaston's Famous Dance" p.29 N: Walsh reprinted the tune under the title "Northern Frisk" in "The Third Book of the most Celebrated N: Jiggs, Lancashire Horhpipes, Scotch and Highland Lilts, Northern Frisks, Morr's, and Cheshire Rounds, N: with Hornpipes the Bagpipe manner. To which is added the Black Joak, the White Joak, the Brown, the N: Red, and the Yellow Joaks ...." London. Printed for and sold by J. Walsh, [1730] P: Play AABBCCDD) K: Am % "A"|: "Am"A2 e4 A2 ecBA | "G"GABc d2G2 B2AG | "Am"A2 e4 A2 ecBA |"Am"E2 A4 c2 "E"B2"Am"A2 :| "B"|: "Am"edcB ABcd ecBA | "G"GABc dcBA BcdB | "Am"AecA ceac "E"BA^GF | "Am"E2 A4 c2 "E"B2"Am"A2 :| "C"|: "Am"e2a2 "G"d2g2 "F"c2f2 | "G"BcdB GABG BcdB | "Am"ea"E"^gb "Am"edcB ABcA | "Am"E2 A4 c2 "E"B2"Am"A2 :| "D"|: "C".e2.e2 .e2.e2 e4 | "G"dcBA G2d2 BcdB | "Am"eaec AcBA "E"^GABG | "Am"E2 A4 c2 "E"B2 "Am"A2 :|