Molly St. George
Tune annotations
X:1 T:Molly St. GEORGE S:J. & W. Neal, 'A Collection of the Most Celebrated Irish Tunes' N:Dublin, c 1724 Q:1/4=80 L:1/4 M:3/4 K:G (d/4e/4f/)|gfe|d(e/d/)(c/B/)|cBA3/4G/4|E2B/d/|e(g/e/)(d/B/)| AB/4c/4d/ D|E(G/4A/4B/) A/G/|G2::(D/E/)|G/A/B (A/4B/4c/)| B(c/B/)(A/G/)|(c/B/c/d/) e/f/|g2e/g/|ab/a/g/e/|de/d/c/B/| cd/c/B/c/|A2(B/A/4B/4)|c/B/c/d/ e/f/| g2(f/e/)|(d/g/)(d/B/)(A/G/)|E2B/d/|e(g/e/)(d/B/)| A(B/4c/4d/)D|E (G/A/4B/4) A/G/|G2|]
X:1 T:Molly St. George M:3/4 L:1/8 R:Air N:"Slow" B:Burke Thumoth - 12 English and 12 Irish Airs (c. 1746, No. 3, pp. 30-31) Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:G d/e/f|g2Tf2e2|d2 edcB|c2B2 TA>G|E4 Bd| e2 gedB|A2 (B/c/d) D2|e2 G/A/B TA>G|G4:| |:DE|GAB2 (A/B/c)|B2 cBAG|cBcdef|g4 ea| a2 bagf|d2 edcB|c2 dcBc|A4 BA/B/| cBcdef|g4 fe|dg(dBAG)|E4 Bd| e2 (gedB)|A2 B/c/d D2|E2 G/A/B TA>G|G4:| |:d/e/f|gbagfe|edcBAG|cB (3cBA (3BAG|E4 Bd| e/f/e/f/ gedB|A2 B/c/d D2|EedBAG|G4:| |:DE|G/F/G/A/ B/A/B/c/ d2|B2 (3cBA (3BAG|cB c/d/c/d/ e/f/e/f/|g4 eg| a2 b/c'/b/a/ g/a/g/f/|d2 e/f/e/d/ c/d/c/B/|ceecdB|A4 BA/B/| cB c/d/c/d/ ef|g4 fe|dgdBAG|E4 Bd| (3efe (3gfe (3dcB|A2 B/c/d D2|Ee e/d/c/B/ d/c/B/A/|G4:|]
X:1 T:Molly St. George M:3/4 L:1/8 R:Air N:”Andante” B:J. Clinton – Gems of Ireland:200 Airs (1841, No. 107, p. 54) N:Irish-born John Clinton was a flute player and teacher at the N:Royal Conservatory, London. Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:G (d/e/.f)|.g2 (gf)({f}(ed)|d2 {ed^cd} (ed=cB)|(c2B2) {B}T(A>G)|E4 (A/B/).d| .e2 (fe)(dB)|(A>B) .d2.D2|.E2 {B}T(A3G)|G4|| |:(D/E/F)|(G2A2) (BA)|.B4 (AG)|.B2.d2 (ef)|g4 (d/e/g)| (a2b2) (a/g/).e|(d2e2) (e/d/).B|.A2 (dBAB)|A4 {d}(cB)| (d2e2) (ef)|g4 {a}(g/f/e)|(d2B2) {B}(A>G)|E4 (d/e/).f| g2 (fedc)|.B2 (A>B) G2|E2 {B}T(A3G)|G4:|]