You're Welcome Home Royal Charlie
Tune annotations
X: 1 T:You're Welcome Home Royal Charlie (march) % nf<bb B:"Northern Fiddler" 089 (JD) Z:Andrew Robinson (ABCs: B.Black) Edited. Peter Dunk I:In the source, the C's in measures 1 and 5 are sharp, as expected I:from the key signature of D (actually A mix). I have flattened them I:because I think they sound better as naturals. You can change them I:back by deleting the = before the note. (BB) L:1/8 M:C R:march Q:280 F: K:A % mix P:A A=GED|:E2A2 AB=cd|e2A2B2A2|=GAGF GAB=c|d2=G2 dBAG| E2A2 AB=cd|e2f2=g2a2|=g2e2d2B2|1 A4 A=GED:|2 A4A2 a=g|| P:B e2a2a2 =ga|b3a =g2e2|d2ef =g2a2|=g2e2d2 cd| e2a2a2 =ga|b3a =g2ed|=c2e2 dcBc|1 A4A2 cd:|2 A4 =G2AB|| P:C (3=ccc cB c2c2|=cdef =g2dc|B2=G2d2G2|B=cdB =GABG| =c2cB c2=G2|=cdef =g2fg|a2e2 d=cBc|1 A4A2B2:|2 A4 A=GED||