Down the Broom
Tune annotations
X:1 T:Down the Broom M:C L:1/8 R:Reel S:Rev. Luke Donnellan – “Oriel Songs and Dances", S:Journal of the County Louth Archaeological Society (vol. II, No. 2, 1909; No. 12) Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:Amin E2|A2 BG A2 Bd|edgd efge|G2 BG AGBG|(3ABc BA GEDE| A2 BG A2 Bd|edgd efga|gfge d2 ef|gded BAAG|| agae agae|gaba geef|gfgd gfgd|gaba geeg| agae agae|gaba geef|gfge d2 ef|gded BA A2||
X:1 T:Down the Broom B:Bulmer & Sharpley, Music form Ireland, 1:11 S:Paddy Killoran (fiddle) M:4/4 L:1/8 Z:Transcribed by Paul de Grae R:Reel K:Ador EA (3AAG A2 Bd|egdg egdc|BGGF G2 GE|(3DED B,D GABG| EAAG ABcd|eg ~g2 egdB|dg (3ggf gaba|gedB BA ~A2:| |:a2 ea ageg|~a2 bg agef|~g2 dg egde|geaf gede| a2 ea ageg|agbg ageg|dg (3ggf gaba|gedB BA A2:||