Peacock Follows the Hen (The)
Tune annotations
X:112 T:Mad Moll. JJo2.112 T:Peacock Followed the Hen. JJo2.112 Z:vmp.Anne Wride 2014 B:J.Johnson Choice Collection Vol 2 after c1750 W:Longways for as many as will M:9/4 L:1/4 Q:3/4=100 K:AM A |: c>de cAA cAA | c>de cAA B2G | c>de cAA cAA | B>cd d>ed B2G :| |: c>de (ge)e (ge)e | c>de (gf)e f2d | c>de (ge)e (ge)e | B>cd d>ed B2G :| W:The 1st Cu. take hands and draw in 2d Cu. Place, the 2d Cu. at the same time hands to 1st Cu. Place W:then each Cu. Back to Back with Partners W:2d Cu does the same which brings 1st and 2d Cu. as they began W:All four Right hands across half round, then Left hands across, back again to the same W:First Cu. cross over above 2d Cu to 2d Cu. Place, then go the whole figure of eight, which brings the 1st Cu to the 2d Cu. Proper
X: 1 T:Peacock Followed the Hen. JWDM.07 M:12/8 L:1/8 S:J.Winder MS,Wyresdale,Lancs.,1789 R:Slip Jig O:England A:Lancashire Z:vmp.Taz Tarry F: K:D "*"cde AcA AcA|cde AcA B2G|cde AcA AcA|Bcd dgd B2G:||! :cde ege ege|cde ege g2e|cde ege ege|ded dgd B2 G:|] %Time sig. given as 12/8--should be 9/8. %Also key sig. given as D, should be G.
X:1 T:Peacock Follow’d the Hen M:9/8 L:1/8 N:The two strains are in keys a tone apart, notes Matt Seattle S:John Bell (1783-1864) music manuscript collection (Northumberland, c. 1812) Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:D def BcB BcB|def BcB c2A|def dBB dBB| cde eae c2A::cde ege ege|cde ege f2d| cde ege ef^g|{g}Tf2d dgd B2G:|]
X: 1 T:Peacock Followed The Hen,aka. JaW.021 M:9/4 L:1/4 Q:3/4=120 C:.."or Mad Moll" S:James Winder Ms, Lancashire, 1835-41 R:.Slip Jig O:England A:Wyresdale,Lancashire N:Identical, except barring to PLFD 9C Z:vmp.Chris Partington, Aug 2004 F: K:C "_Barred 6/4 in MS"A|:c>decAAcAA|c>decAAB2G|! c>decAAcAA|B>cdd>edB2G:|! |:c>de(ge)e(ge)e|c>de(ge)eg2d|! c>de(ge)e(ge)e|B>cdd>edB2G:|
X: 1 T:Peacock Followed The Hen,aka. TLY007 M:9/4 L:1/4 Q:3/4=120 S:Wm.Tildesley,Swinton,Lancs.1860s. R:.Slip Jig O:England. A:Lancashire. H:1860. Z:vmp.Taz Tarry. F: K:G F|c>d (ec) A A c A A|c>d (ec) AA B2 G|c>d e c A A c A A|! B>c d d>e d B2G||c>d e (ge) e (ge) e|! c>d e (ge) e f2 d|c>d e (ge) e (ge) e|\ B>c d d>e d B2 G|]
X:1 T:Peacock Followed the Hen T:Cuddle Me, Cuddy M:9/8 L:1/8 S: Bruce & Stokoe – Northumbrian Minstrelsy (1882) Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:Ador c>de cAA cAA|c>de cAA B2G|c>de cAA cAA|B>cd dgd B2G:| c>de gee gee|c>de gee f2d|c>de gee gee|B>cd dgd B2G:|]