When the Cock Crows it is Day (1)
Tune annotations
X:2 T:When the Cock Crows it is Day [1] M:6/8 L:1/8 R:Jig S:O’Farrell – National Irish Music for the Union Pipes (1804) Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:Bmin B | d>ef edB | B3B3 | def baf | e3 efa | bc'b agf | gfe fdB | Bfe dBB/A/ | B3B3 :| |: d | AGF AGF | d3 d2B | AGF AGF | e3 efa | b>c'b agf | g{a/g/}fe fdB | Bgf edB | B3B3 :| |: B | df/g/a/f/ df/g/a/f/ | dBB BAB | df/g/a/f/ baf | efe efa | bc'b agf | ga/g/f/e/ fdB | Bgf edB | B3B2 :| |: d | AF/G/A/F/ AF/G/A/F/ | Ddd dcB | AF/G/A/F/ A/F/G/A/F/ | Eee efa | b/a/g/a/b/g/ a/g/f/g/a/f/ | g/f/e/f/g/a/ fdB | Bg/f/e/d/ edB | B3 B2 :|]
X:1 T:When the Cock Crows it is Day [1] M:6/8 L:1/8 R:Air S:O’Neill – Music of Ireland (1903), No. 581 N:”Boldly” Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:Gmin "Boldly"G|B>cd cBG|G3 G2G|Bcd gfd|c3 cdf| gag fed|edc dBG|Bcd cBG|{F/A/}G3 G2|| B|FED FED|B3 B2G|FED FED|c3 cdf| gag fed|e{f/e/}dc dBG|Bcd cBG|{F/4/G/4A/4}G3 G2||