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Annotation:Flora's Birthday

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FLORA'S BIRTHDAY. American, Jig. C Major (Howe/1843): D Major (Howe/1867, O'Flannagan). Standard tuning (fiddle). AABB. The tune appaers in a number of Boston publisher Elias Howe's publications, including his 1860 volume by Patrick O'Flannagan (Hibernia Collection), indicating that the tune may have an Irish provenance. The melody was entered as a duet into the music manuscript collection of American musician M.E. Eames, dated Aug. 22nd, 1859 (Eames was probably from Philadelphia, Pa.).

Source for notated version:

Printed sources: Howe (Complete Preceptor for the Accordeon), 1843; p. 9. Howe (1000 Jigs and Reels), c. 1867; p. 70. O'Flannagan (The Hibernia Collection), 1860; p. 10.

Recorded sources:

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