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POINTE-AU-PIC. French-Canadian, Reel. A Minor ('A' part) & C Major ('B' part). Standard tuning (fiddle). AB (Phillips): AA'BB' (Carlin). Pointe-au-Pic is a small town on the St. Lawrence River northeast of Quebec City. The tune is sometimes played in the key of G Major. Phillips' parts are reversed from Carlin's.
Source for notated version: Ruthie Dornfeld (Seattle) [Phillips].
Printed sources: Carlin (Master Collection), 1984; No. 63, p. 45. Phillips (Traditional American Fiddle Tunes, vol. 2), 1995; p. 103.
Recorded sources: Flying Fish FF70572, Frank Ferrel – “Yankee Dreams: Wicked Good Fiddling from New England” (1991). Varrick VR-038, Yankee Ingenuity - "Heatin' up the Hall" (1989).