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Annotation:We're no very fu' but we're gaily yet

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WE'RE NO' VERY FU' BUT WE'RE GAILY YET. AKA - "We're Gaily Yet." AKA and see "Up with Ailey." Scottish, Air (6/8 & 9/8 time). G Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). AB. "We're no very fu' but we're gaily yet" is a song that manages to be both convivial and mildly bawdy at the same time, printed in Calliope (1788, Song CCLII) and similar 18th century songsters. The lyric in Calliope goes:

We're gaily yet, and we're gaily yet,
And we're no very fu' but we're gaily yet;
Then sit ye a while and tipple a bit;
For we're no very fu' but we're gaily yet.

There was a lad and they ca'd him Dick
He ga'e me a kiss and I bit his lip;
And down in the garden he shew'd me a trick;
And we're no very fu' but we're gaily yet.
And we're gaily yet, &c.

There were three lads, and they were clad;
There were three lasses, and them they had;
Three trees in the orchard are newly sprung;
And we's a' get gear enough, but we're young.
And we're gaily yet, &c.

See note for "annotation:I cannot win at her for her big belly for more.

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