Adieu to Fortgeorge
Tune annotations
X:1 % T:Adieu to Fortgeorge M:C| L:1/8 Q:"Slow" R:March B:J. Anderson - Anderson's Budget of Strathspeys, Reels & Country Dances B: for the German Flute or Violin (Edinburgh, 1820, p. 10) Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:D d>e|(g/f/).e/.d/ (f/e/).d/.c/ (e/d/).c/.B/ A>G|(G/F/)E/D/ g>f Tf2 e(d/e/)|(g/f/).e/.d/ (f/e/).d/.c/ (e/d/).c/.B/ .A.G| |1F/b/a/g/ f/e/d/c/ dd/d/:|2F/b/a/g/ f/e/d/c/ dd/d/ dz|| |:(a/g/)(f/g/) .a.a (ad')(d'c')|(c'b)(ba) a>f d2| (a/g/)(f/g/) .a.a .ad' d/e/f/g/|f2 Te2 d4:||:D>EFF F>G.A.A| d2 (d/f/)(e/d/) cB/A/ A2|D>E.F.G F>A (c/B/)(A/G/)|F2TE2D4:| (a>g)(f>g) .a.d'.a.d'|(c'/b/)(a/g/) fg a/f/a/f/ Td2|(a/g)/f/g/ .a.a (a/b/c'/d') (d'/a/f/d/)|f2 Te2 d2||