Rising of the Sun (1) (The)
X:1 % T:Rising of the Sun [1], The M:C| L:1/8 R:Hornpipe B:Roche - Collection of Traditional Irish Music vol. 2 (1912, No. 221) Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:D (3gfe|d2 F>B A2 F>A|((3Bcd e>)g (f>B(3cBA)|d2 F>B A2 F>D|E>GF>E Dgfe| d2 F>B A2 F>A|((3Bcd e>)g (f>B(3cBA)|~d2-d>B A2 F>A|B>dc>B A2:| |:A2|d>ef>g a>fe>d|(3cBA eA fA eA|d>ef>g a>fe>d|(3cBA B>Cd3A| d>ef>g a>fe>d|(3cBA eA fA eA|1 d>ef>g a>ba>g|f>gf>e d2:| |2 df (3fff dg (3ggg|f>gf>e d>gf>e||