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Annotation:Rochester Schottische (1)

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X:1 % T:Rochester Schottische [1] L:1/8 M:C| S:Liz Slade Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:D f>(d e)>d d2 d>d|d>(B A)>G F2 F>F|f>(d e)>d d2 B>B|A3 A A4| f>(d e)>d d2 d>d|d>(B A)>G F2 F>G|A>(BA)>(G F)>DE>F|D8:| |:A>(BA)>(G F)>DD>D|E>(DE)>F G2 B>B|A>(BA)>(G F)>DD>D|E>(DE)>F G2 B>B| A>(BA)>(G F)>DD>D|E>(DE)>F G2 F>G|A>(BA)>(G F)>DE>F|D8:|

ROCHESTER SCHOTTISCHE [1]. AKA and see "Patrick County Blues," "Walking in the Parlor (2)." Old-Time, Breakdown. USA; North Carolina, Virginia. D Major. ADae or Standard tuning (fiddle). AB (Silberberg): AABB (most versions). The tune was known by the title "Rochester Schottische" to fiddler Ben Jarrell (1880-1946) and his son, Tommy Jarrell (1901-1985), the influential old-time fiddler from Mt. Airy, N.C., although it bears no resemblance to the "Rochester Schottishe" that is printed in older American collections, nor is it, for that matter, a schottische at all, rather, it is played as a breakdown. Barry Poss (1976) suggests that another "Rochester Schottische" tune was played at one time in the Round Peak (N.C.) area, but that the title became detached from the melody, and, as a "floater," became attached to this tune. Similarly, the alternate title, "Walking in the Parlor (2)" (used by other Round Peak musicians, such as Charlie Lowe), can be found in the South in numerous versions, though all seem dissimilar to this tune of Tommy Jarrell's. “Mama's Little Baby” uses similar melodic material.

Additional notes

Source for notated version: - Becky Miller [Phillips]; Kerry Blech (Seattle) [Silberberg].

Printed sources : - Brody (Fiddler’s Fakebook), 1983; p. 232. Johnson (Kitchen Musician No. 2: Old Timey Fiddle Tunes), 1982 (revised 1988 & 2003); p. 10. Phillips (Traditional American Fiddle Tunes, vol. 1), 1994; p. 200. Silberberg (Tunes I Learned at Tractor Tavern), 2002; p. 131. Songer (Portland Collection), 1997; p. 169. Spadaro (10 Cents a Dance), 1980; p. 16.

Recorded sources: - County 756, Tommy Jarrell - "Sail Away Ladies" (1976). Field Recorder Collective FRC 212, "Tommy Jarrell vol. 2: Recordings from the collection of Jerry Epstein" (2015).

See also listing at:
Jane Keefer’s Folk Music Index: An Index to Recorded Sources [1]
Hear Tommy Jarrell's recording on youtube.com [2], at the Field Recorder Collective site [3] and Slippery Hill [4]
See banjo tab at taterjoes.com [5]

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