Annotation:Rock the Cradle Joe (2)
X:1 % T:Rock the Cradle, Joe [2] S:Franklin George (W.Va., 1928-2017) M:C| L:1/8 Z:Transcribed by Andy Kuntz K:D a2f2 fede|a2f2 fede|g2-gg gb3|a6 gf| e2 [ce]c Acec|ed3-d2 ef|g2b2 ac3|d4-defg| a2fa fedf|a2fa fe d2|g2-gg gb3|a6 gf| e2 [ce]c Acec|ed2d-d2 ef|ggb2 ac3|d3-d d2d[df]|| e2c2 ABcd|e(Ad)>dd2 ef|g2 [B2g2]gb3|a4gf| e2cA- Acec|ed3 d2 ef|g2b2 ac3|d3d d2e2-| ecAB ABcd| e(Ad2)[d4f4]|[B3g3]f gb3|a6gf| e2ce Acec|ed2e d2g2-|g2b2 ac3|d3d d4||
ROCK THE CRADLE JOE [2]. Old-Time, Breakdown. A version of “Rock the Cradle Joe (1)," from the playing of West Virginia fiddler Franklin George (-2017) who learned the tune from Jim Farthing, originally from Franklin County, Va. Gerry Milnes says this version “maintains much more character and melody” than the “watered-down” version that has long been a staple of “revival” fiddlers’ conventions.