Hornpipe (26)
X:1 % T:Hornpipe [26] M:C L:1/8 R:Hornpipe C:"A Grand Hornpipe by Michael Buckley Shanahan" N:”Preferable for the Stage. P.D. Reidy, Professor of Dancing.” S:P.D. Reidy music manuscript collection, London, 1890’s (No. 7) N:”Professor” Patrick Reidy of Castleisland was a dancing N:master engaged by the Gaelic League in London to teach N:dance classes. He introduced “Siege of Ennis” and “Walls N:of Limerick” ceili dances and wrote a treatise on dancing. F: http://rarebooks.library.nd.edu/digital/bookreader/MSE_1434-1/#page/1/mode/1up Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:G D2|GFGA BGBd|gfga bgdB|A^GAB cBce|(3a/g/f/ (3g/f/e/ (3d/c/B/ (3c/B/A/| GFGA BGBd|gfga bgdB|Aedc BGAF|G2G2G2:| |:c2|dcde d2 (ef)|gfga bgdB|A^GAB cBce|(3a/g/f/ (3g/f/e/ (3d/c/B/ (3c/B/A/| GFGA BGBd|gfga bgdB|Aedc BGAF|G2G2G2:|]