Eighth of January (1)
X:1 T:Eighth of January M:2/4 L:1/8 K:D e/a/|f/e/f/a/ f/e/d/f/|e/f/e/d/ BB/d/|ee/f/ e/d/B/A/|d/B/A/F/ De/a/| f/e/f/a/ f/e/d/f/|e/f/e/d/ B/d/e/f/|a/f/e/a/ f/e/c/A/|d/B/A/F/ D:| |:A/A/|AA/B/ AA/A/|A/d/B/A/ F/E/D/F/|AA/B/ AA/d/|B/A/F/E/ DD/F/| AA/B/ AA/A/|A/d/B/A/ F/E/D/F/|AA/A/ A/d/f/e/|d/B/A/F/ D:||
X: 2 T: Eighth Of January S: Lee Owens and Viola Ruth "American Square Dances of the West and Southwest" R: reel Z: 2010 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu> M: 2/4 L: 1/16 K: C |: "C"[e2e2](ef) e2e2 | "F"dedc A2((3ABc) | "G7"d2(de) d2(AB) | "C"cAGE C4 :| "C"G2(GA) G2(EF) | GAGE "G7"D2(EF) | "C"G2(GA) G2(EF) | "G7"GFED "C"C2(EF) | G2(GA) G2(EF) | GAGE "G7"D2(EF) | "C"G2(GA) G2(EF) | "G7"GFED "C"C4 |]