Shew's the Way to Wallington (1)
X:1 T:Shew’s the Way to Wallington [1] L:1/8 M:9/8 S:Bruce & Stokoe – Northumbrian Minstrelsy (1882) Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:G B2f ede f3|cAf cAA ABc|B2d fef g3| dBg dBG Abc:||:dBd cAc B2G|Acf cAA ABc| dBd cAc B2G|dBg dBG ABc:||:B/c/dg B/c/dg B2G| A/B/cf cAc ABc|B/c/dg B/c/dg B2G|B/c/dg B/c/dg ABc:| |:G2g fed f3|cAf cAc ABc|G2g fef g3|B/c/dg dBG ABc:|
T:Show Me the Way to Wallington [1]
S:Melodies Committee of the Newcastle Antiquarian Society manuscripts 1857-1887
N:Copied from Bewick by William Kell, according to a note in the ms.
N:Matt Seattle states this is an adaptation of the tune for smallpipes, and
N:believes this version to be superior to the one printed in Northumbrian Minstrelsy.
R:Slip Jig
Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion
B2d e/f/g/f/e/d/ f3|cAf cAA ABc|B2d e/f/g/f/e/d/ f3|
dBg dBG ABc::dB/c/d/B/ cA/B/c/A/ B2G|Acf cAA ABc|
dB/c/d/B/ cA/B/c/A/ B2A|Bdg dBG ABc::B/c/df B/c/df B2G|
Acf cAA ABc|B/c/df B/c/df B2G|B/c/df dBG ABc:|
|:G2g fed ~f3|cAf cAA ABc|G2g fed ~f3|dBg dBG ABc:|
T:Shew's the Way to Wallington [1]
R:Slip Jig
B:Cocks - Tutor for the Northumbrian Half-Long Bagpipes (1925, No. 13, p. 10)
Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion
c2g fef g3|dBg dB{e}B {e}Bcd|c2e gfg a3|
eca ecA Bcd:||:ece dBd c2A|Bdg dB{e}B {e}Bcd|
ece dBd c2A|eca ecA Bcd:||:c/d/ea c/d/ea c2A|
B/c/dg dBd Bcd|c/d/ea c/d/ea c2A|c/d/ea ecA Bcd:|
|:A2a gfe Tg3|dBg dBd Bcd|A2a gfg a3|c/d/ea ecA Bcd:|]