Down at the Mouth of Old Stinson
Tune annotations
X:1 T:Down at the Mouth of Old Stinson X:1 T:Down at the Mouth of Old Stinson S:French Carpenter (1899-1965, Clay County, W.Va.) M:C| L:1/8 R:Reel D:Kanawha 301, French Carpenter - "Elzic's Farewell" (1978. Originally recorded 1963) F: Z:Transcribed by Andrew Kuntz K:D a4d4|fefa b2a2|a2 ab a2fe|fded B2A2A4| a4d4|fefa b2a2|a2 ab agfe|fded B2A2A4|| +slide+[A4A4][A4A4]|BABd e2d2|+slide+f2+slide+f2 edBd|edBG A2A2| BABd e2d2|+slide+f2+slide+f2 edBd|edBG A4| +slide+[A2A2][A2A2][A2A2][A2A2]|BABd e2d2|+slide+f2+slide+f2 edBd|edBG A2A2| BABd e2d2|+slide+f2+slide+f2 edBd|edBG A4||
X:1 T:Down at the Mouth of Old Stinson M:4/4 L:1/8 Q:105 S:Gerry Milnes Z:Transcribed by Andrew Kuntz K:D ||{f}a2d2 a/f/a/a/ ba|\ M:5/4 L:1/8 f/ab/ ag/e/ f/d/e/d/ B(A A2)| M:4/4 L:1/8 a2d2 a/f/a/a/ ba|\ f/ab/ ag/e/ f/d/e/d/ B(A|\ M:2/4 L:1/8 A>)A Bd M:5/4 L:1/8 ||ff e/d/B/e/ f/d/B A>A Bd|\ M:4/4 L:1/8 ff e/d/B/e/ f/d/B (A2|\ M:2/4 L:1/8 A)A/A/ Bd| M:5/4 L:1/8 ff e/d/B/e/ f/d/B A>A Bd|\ ff e/d/B/e/ f/d/B A4||