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Annotation:Fouller's Rant

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X:1 T:Fouller's Rant M:C| L:1/16 R:Strathspey S:McGlashan - Strathspey Reels (c. 1781) Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:Emin G2|AAA2 A4 G6B2|AAA2 A3B GE3 E3G|AAA2 A3B G3AB3d| eA3 A3B G3E E2:||:a2|g3e eg3 gd3dB3|g3e ea3 gb3 e3B| d3eg3d e3d Bb3|AAA2 A3B G3E E2:||:g2|aaa2 a4 g6b2| aaa2 a3b ge3 e3g|aaa2 a4 g6b2|b2a2a2b2 g3e e2:||:a2|g3e eg3 d3ed2B2| g3e ea3 gb3 e3B|d3eg3b e3gd3g|AAA2 A3B GE3 E2:||

FOULLER'S RANT. AKA - "Fowler's Rant"? AKA and see "Seme Rune Rallanach," "Tibby Fowler o' the Glen (2) (The)." Scottish, Strathspey. E Dorian. Standard tuning (fiddle). AABBCCDD. John Glen (1891) finds the earliest appearance of this tune in print in Alexander McGlashan's 1780 collection. A Cape Breton variant is probably the strathspey "Alec Dan MacIsaac's."

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Source for notated version: -

Printed sources : - McGlashan (Collection of Strathspey Reels), c. 1781; p. 3.

Recorded sources: -

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