Annotation:Fitzpatrick's Jig
Tune properties and standard notation
FITZPATRICK'S JIG. AKA and see "Jackson's Night Cap," "Night Dance (The)," "Piper's Welcome (The)," "Strike the Gay Harp," "Strike the Young Harp." Irish, Double Jig. D Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). AABBCC. Usually known as "Strike the Gay Harp," this tune may have been titled after Tim Fitzpatrick, a New York accordion player and contemporary of the great Sligo fiddler Michael Coleman (1891-1945), who often accompanied New York fiddler Lad O'Beirne.
Source for notated version: Brendan Mulvihill (Baltimore, Md.) [Mulvihill].
Printed sources: Mulvihill (1st Collection), 1986; No. 51, p. 76.
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